Hesse, Andreas & Rundau, Jessika (2023). Effects of Sustainable Marketing on Fast Fashion Shoppers’ Perception and Behavioral Inertia. Journal of Sustainable Marketing. Vol. 4 No. 2, pp. 265-285
Hesse, Andreas (2023). "Markenkommunikation und Werbung im Metaverse – Immersion und Interaktion in Advergames und Adverworlds", PraxisWissen Marketing - German Journal of Marketing, Heft 1, 77-89.
Hesse, Andreas & Schmidt, Holger J. (2022). "Employees as Corporate Influencers and Co-creators of Brand-Meaning", transfer - Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, Jahrgang 68, Heft 4, 32-37.
Hesse, Andreas & Wahls, Arnim (2022). „Wenn Freunde Kollegen werden“, Harvard Business Manager, Ausgabe September 2022, 8-10.
Hesse, Andreas & Esser, Martin (2022). „Der Anlass bestimmt das Format - Situative Mehrwerte digitaler In-Store-Anwendungen“, Marketing Review St. Gallen, Ausgabe 5/2022, 20-26. (VHB Ranking JQ3 Level D)
Hesse, A., Schmidt, H.J., Bosslet, R., Häusler, M. and Schneider, A. (2022), "How posting in social networks affects employee-based brand equity", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. VHB-Ranking Level C)
Hesse, Andreas; Bündgen, Karolin; Claren, Saskia & Frank, Sarah (2022). „Practices of brand extensions and how consumers respond to FMCG giants’ greening attempts”, Journal of Brand Management, (VHB-Ranking Level C)
Hesse, Andreas; Niederle, Franziska, Schön, Laura & Stautz, Daniela (2021): Consumer responses to brand communications involving COVID-19, Journal of Marketing Management, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2021.2000008 (VHB-Ranking Level C)
Hesse, A., Schmidt, H. J. & Baumgarth, C. (2021). „How a Corporate Influencer Co-creates Brand Meaning: The Case of Pawel Dillinger from Deutsche Telekom“, Corporate Reputation Review 24(4), 191-204. (VHB-Ranking Level D)
Hesse, A.; & Ruenz, S. (2020). " ‘Fly Responsibly’: a case study on consumer perceptions of a green demarketing campaign", Journal of Marketing Communications.
Hesse, Andreas; & Adami, Jörg (2020). "Szenesportförderung als Plattform authentischer Markenkommunikation", transfer – Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, 66 (1), 34-38.
Hesse, Andreas; & Haist, Louisa (2019). "Soziale Kooperationen von Sportmarken", transfer – Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, 65 (3), 30-34.
Hesse, Andreas (2019). „Digital-lokaler Einzelhandel - Digitalisierung, Omnichanneling und Local-Commerce-Modelle aus Sicht des lokalen stationären Einzelhandels“, in: Wissenschaftliche Schriften des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Nr. 29, Hochschule Koblenz – University of Applied Sciences.
Baumgarth, Carsten; Schmidt, Holger J., & Hesse, Andreas (2019): „Markenbotschafterprogramm – Erfolgsfaktoren eines oft vergessenen Instruments der Internen Markenführung“, transfer – Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, 65 (1), 23-27.
Hesse, Andreas (2018). „Lokal, digital - oder beides?“, Fallstudie, Harvard Business Manager, Ausgabe 12/2018, S. 90-96.
Hesse, Andreas; Kreutzer, Karin; & Diehl, Marjo-Riitta (2018). “Dynamics of Institutional Logics in a Cross-Sector Social Partnership: The Case of Refugee Integration in Germany”, Journal of Business Ethics, page 1-26, DOI 10.1007/s10551-017-3775-0 - (VHB-Ranking Level B)
Hesse, Andreas (2018). “Digitalization and Leadership – How Experienced Leaders Interpret Daily Realities in a Digital World”, Proceedings of the 51th Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences, pages 1854-1863 - (VHB-Ranking Level C)
Hesse, Andreas (2018). “The Importance of Appropriation Factors for Knowledge Sharing via Social Software: The Case of Refugee Integration in Germany”, Academy of Management Global Proceedings, Vol. Surrey, No. 2018, page 76.
Hesse, Andreas; Kreutzer, Karin; & Diehl, Marjo-Riitta (2017). „ Dynamics Rivalry of Institutional Logics in a Cross-Sector Social Partnership: The Case of Refugee Integration in Germany”, Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Hesse, A. (2023). Demarketing - Gezielte Nachfragereduzierung: Typologie und Wahrnehmung einer scheinbar unlogischen Bewegung. SpringerGabler.
Hesse, A. (2023). "Green Marketing: Repositionierung etablierter Marken”, Gastbeitrag in: Markenartikel, 4/2023, 100-103.
Hesse, Andreas (2022). Green Marketing - Empirische Erkenntnisse zur Konsumentenwahrnehmung von Ökologie-orientierten Repositionierungsversuchen etablierter Marken, in: Wissenschaftliche Schriften des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Nr. 36, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences.
Hesse, A. (2022). "We love impfen. Flatten the curve. #zusammengegencorona", Gastbeitrag in: Markenartikel, 1-2/2022, 38-41.
Hesse, A. & Diehl, M.-R. (2021). „How Digitization Transforms Organizational Communication“, in: Daniel Malan (Ed.): Responsible Board Leadership in a Digital Age, pp. 84-104, St. Gallen: Haupt Verlag.
Hesse, A. (2021). “Impacts of Digitalization on Leadership: A Grounded Theory Approach”, in: Daniel Malan (Ed.): Responsible Board Leadership in a Digital Age, pp. 125-155, St. Gallen: Haupt Verlag.
Hesse, A.; Stienkamp, P.; Mugobo, V. & Schmidt, H. J. (2020). Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities in Retailers’ Branding and Digital Maturity: A Cross-Border Case Study. In: Chkoniya V., Madsen, A. and Bukhrashvili, P. (Eds.): Anthropological Approaches to Understanding Consumption Patterns and Consumer Behavior - IGI Global.
Hesse, A., & Höhmann, K. (2019): Management Basics - Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Litello-Verlag, Bonn.
Hesse, Andreas (2019). „Digital-lokaler Einzelhandel“, Lozuka Connect, Unternehmensveröffentlichung Lozuka Siegen, Ausgabe 5, 24-25.
Hesse, Andreas; & Diehl, Marjo-Riitta (2018). “Personalführung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung – Brauchen Manager einen neuen Führungsstil?” [Leadership in the Digital Era – Do Managers need a new Leadership Style?], in: Heike Surrey, Victor Tiberius (Eds.): Die Zukunft des Personalmanagements – Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze und Gestaltungsoptionen [The Future of HR Management – Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities], (Pages 183-190), Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich
Hesse, Andreas; & Diehl, Marjo-Riitta (2017). „Digital Forms of Applying Traditional Leadership Styles: How Social Software Brings Transformational Leadership to Life”, in: Michael Hilb (Ed.): Governance of Digitalization – The Role of Board of Directors and Top Management Teams in Digital Value Creation, (Pages 60-70). Bern: Haupt-Verlag.
Hesse, Andreas & Bernal, Mathieu (2017). „Carsharing, Mitfahrgelegenheiten oder Fahrdienste – so finden Kunden die neuen Mobilitätskonzepte“,, published March 20, 2017
Hesse, Andreas; Derichs, Jennifer; Heinrichs, Sabrina; Hoffmann, Stefan; Raczkowiak, Natalie; und Rieken, Henrietta (2017). “Online oder Offline? Lehre und Lernen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung“, Transforming Cities, 2 (3), 84-85.
Hesse, Andreas; Derichs, Jennifer; Heinrichs, Sabrina; Hoffmann, Stefan; Raczkowiak, Natalie; und Rieken, Henrietta (2017). “Digitales Lehren und Lernen aus Sicht von Schülern, Studierenden und Dozenten”, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Stifterverband, published August 17, 2017,
Hesse, Andreas & Muffang, Maximilian (2017). „Neue Realitäten im Vertrieb: Mit Virtual Reality das Wunschauto emotionalisieren“,, published September 13, 2017
Hesse, Andreas; Steenkamp, Pieter; Mugobo, Virimai; & Schmidt, Holger J. (2019). “Cross-cultural Differences and Similarities in Retailers’ Branding and Digital Maturity”, 18th Cross-cultural Research Conference, San Juan/Puerto Rico, USA, Dec 8-11, 2019.
Hesse, Andreas; Schmidt, Holger J.; & Baumgarth, Carsten (2019). “How brand ambassadors utilize social software platforms: The case of Pawel Dillinger from Deutsche Telekom”, 14th Global Brand Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 8-10, 2019.
Hesse, Andreas; Steenkamp, Pieter; Mugobo, Virimai; & Schmidt, Holger J. (2019). “Retailer brand management and digital maturity: Fresh perspectives by comparing and contrasting local markets in Germany and South Africa.”, 14th Global Brand Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 8-10, 2019.
Hesse, Andreas (2018). “Utilizing Social Software for the Greater Good: The Case of Refugee Integration in Germany”, Sustainability, Ethics and Entrepreneuship Conference; Washington, D.C., USA, March 1-4, 2018.
Hesse, Andreas (2017). „The Interplay of Digitalization and Leadership – A Qualitative Discussion by Experienced Leaders“, 14th Workshop on Corporate Governance, Track: Governance of Digitalization, Organization: EIASM (The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management), Brussels, Belgium, November 6-7, 2017.
Hesse, Andreas (2018). “Digitalization and Leadership – How Experienced Leaders Interpret Daily Realities in a Digital World”, Proceedings of the 51th Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences, pages 1854-1863 - (VHB-Ranking Level C)
Hesse, Andreas (2018). “The Importance of Appropriation Factors for Knowledge Sharing via Social Software: The Case of Refugee Integration in Germany”, Academy of Management Global Proceedings, Vol. Surrey, No. 2018, page 76.
Hesse, Andreas; Kreutzer, Karin; & Diehl, Marjo-Riitta (2017). „ Dynamics Rivalry of Institutional Logics in a Cross-Sector Social Partnership: The Case of Refugee Integration in Germany”, Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Hesse, Andreas; & Diehl, Marjo-Riitta (2016). „Digitalization and Leadership – Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Digital Tools“, 13th Workshop on Corporate Governance, Track: GAMOD (Governance and Management of Digitalization), Organization: EIASM (The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management), School of Management SDA Bocconi, Milan, Italy, October 27-28, 2016.